Tuesday, 23 August 2011

David Beckham update

Tabloids everywhere have been in sent into a state of onanistic frenzy over this recent picture of David Beckham, which at first glance appears to show a bald patch at the crown.

On closer inspection, it is obvious to anyone who is not a moron that this 'bald patch' is merely some form of light, reflecting off the hair on his head.

You can even see in the above picture the same spot of light on the wall, where his head was seconds previously.

Here is a link the the Daily Mail article I spotted this in. Don't be surprised if they later delete it through the shame of their idiocy.

The Daily Fail

Norwood Rating : 2

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Danny Dyer

Danny Dyer is an English actor who has starred in films such as Human Traffic, The Football Factory, and Adulthood.

Sometime last year he hit the headlines when he advised a reader to "cut his ex's face, so no one else will want her" in his weekly advice column in Zoo magazine.

Fellow professional cockney Ray Winstone apparently tricked him into dying his hair ginger a couple of years ago. Dyer has blamed this for his hair loss.

"I think I started losing my wig after that. I’m receding a bit, but it only started after I dyed it. If the worst comes to the worst, I’ll sue the c**ts at Channel 4. It’s down to them I’m losing me canister"

Sadly for him though this is unlikely, and like Michael Chiklis, he is clutching at straws in an attempt to come to terms with male pattern baldness.

Dyer now sports a receding hairline, a growing bald patch at the crown, and although technically still a low norwood, looks to be diffusing in an nw5 pattern.

Anyway, here is a video of him being punched by a mental thug in a pub.

Norwood Rating : 2v