Friday, 29 October 2010

Stacy 'Fergie' Ferguson

As you can see, for some reason I have been asked to feature more balding women on the site. 'Fergie' is a singer with the Black Eyed Peas, and is often credited with the upturn of their commercial success while at the same time destroying any credibility they had as a serious hip hop act.

Anyway she does appear to show minor some signs of balding in the female Ludwig pattern in these pictures.

The gossip column type places I have read have attributed this to stress, hair extensions, bulimia, and even her old crystal meth addiction.

The pictures are far from conclusive though, and like the infamous old David Beckham picture, it could be due to a couple of other things. Her hair appears to be unwashed and dirty, which will make already finely textured hair seem even thinner. Also her hair is dyed and is probably growing out at the roots, which will accentuate the slightest hint of any visible scalp.

Ludwig Rating : 1-2

Naomi Campbell

Reader Derrick has suggested I feature 40 year old supermodel Miss Campbell. For she is a victim of baldness too, albeit a different type to that which I normally write about.

She has been pictured many times with a skew-whiff wig, exposing her natural hair underneath.

It looks like she has a form of traction alopecia which can happen when the hair is put under a constant pulling strain. She has been a model for over 20 years and during this time has worn all sorts of weaves, extensions and wigs, which will have caused some damage to her real hair.

I watched a Chris Rock documentary called 'Good Hair' recently, which is basically about black women's hair. It examines weaves, extensions and straightening products and the sociological reasons for their existence. For a middle aged white man, it was quite an eye opener and fairly shocking and sad in places but I would highly recommend it.

Ludwig Rating :